
Emergency Generator Diesel Fuel Delivery


On-site fueling services for emergency generators

Hiway has the ability to take care of ALL your Emergency Generator needs whether it be on the ground floor of a building or in a parkade.  We have the ability to ensure your Generator gets the fuel that it needs.


Emergency Response Services

Our emergency response services help ensure generators and other emergency power supply systems are fueled and ready to be activated in the event of a power outage.

Scheduled deliveries of emergency fuel supplies for the duration of the power outage are then provided based on the consumption and utilization requirements of your equipment and systems.

These emergency response services are available year-round, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Call Us Now at 604-552-8286 or Email Us

to find out why so many businesses turn to Hiway Fuel Services for their
on-site fueling needs.